Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
AICCAD estblished youth employability program in 2006 as means to promote market driven and relevant technical trainings .With TVET programming, AICCAD focuses on Kenya youthful population that forms more than 35 % of the population. The challenges affecting youth in Kenya include amongst others unemployment, drugs and substance abuse, negative media and technology influence, break down of family and social values, health challenges. This program seeks amongst others to create an enabling environment for youth to realize their full potential. Under TVET program, the focus is on two areas; Vocational Educational skills training and soft skills development towards a sustainable income for improved livelihood.

This led to the establishment of the four AICCAD TVET institutions namely;

i) Aic Nairobi Training Centre( Nairobi County)
ii) Eldoret Training Centre ( Uasin Gishu)
iii) Ahero Training Centre (Kisumu County)
iv) Kima Training Centre ( Makueni County)

Program is headed by a program manager who oversees the operations of all the 4 TVET centres. Each TVET Centre is headed by a principal who oversees the running and implementation of the curriculum. Each centre has qualified and competent staff who ensure effective delivery of the curriculum. In addition, the Job Business Officer (JBO) in each centre acts as a linkage between the college and the students thereby overseeing successful transition of students into employment.

Since its inception, over 50,000 youths have been trained and transitioned into decent employment. This has resulted into improved livelihood in the supported communities. Given the changing needs of the communities where these institutions are located, AICCAD has expanded its services to enhance employability through Community Based Training/Apprenticeship program .

AICCAD undertakes both institutional training and Community Based Training/Apprenticeship program.Community Based Training (CBT) is where youths are attached to master trainers within their community. In this arrangement,the trainers take them through on job training to gain skills as well as get some little income that can help them in meetimg some of their basic needs during the training period. The trainings involved are ; hair dressing, beauty therapy, tailoring and dressmaking, mechanics amongst others. To develop youth into responsible and resilient young adults who can sustainably access the necessities of life with greater contribution to the society, the organization has reached out to many youths and more than 50,000 have benefitted.

TVET Objectives

I. To increase Access to Relevant Employment Opportunities
II. To increase Access to quality and relevant vocational Skills Training
III. To increase Involvement of Relevant Stakeholders through Networking and lobby and advocacy
IV. To increase the sustainability of the TVET program

TVET Institutions and courses offered

Currently AICCAD runs 2 institutional TVET centres in 2 Counties namely; Nairobi and Uasin Gishu (Eldoret) to reach out youths for increased employability skills.
Courses offered at:

1) Nairobi Training Centre

I. Hair dressing & Beauty
II. Fashion & design
III. Catering
IV. Plumbing
V. Electricals
VIII. Accounts
IX. Business mgt
X. Social work

2) Eldoret Training Centre

II. Catering
III. Hairdressing & Beauty
IV. Tailoring and dress making

Our courses include soft skills such as life skills, communication skills, negotiation skills, career choice & development, entrepreneurial skill ,financial literacy, marketing & linkages with industries amongst others to ensure that our graduates secure employment(self or wage employment).